Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Hawk at ASU

This hawk hangs out on the campus of ASU every other year. We have a lot of squirrels on campus, and the population seems to rise and fall in sync with his appearance. Today however, he caught a kitten instead of a squirrel. He flew over the yard with it, and some students threw rocks to scare him away. It was too late however as the kitten was already dead. A student picked up the cat and laid it down under the tree the hawk had perched in, shortly thereafter the hawk swooped down to eat his kill. He worked on it until he got tired of people crowding around, but I was amazed I managed to get this close.
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I know it's kind of a gross photo, but cool nonetheless. Posted by Hello

Another photo of the Hawk. Posted by Hello

Camping at Cheaha

This past weekend we went camping at Mt. Cheaha. This is Ileya and I by the water on top on Little Caney Head in the Talladega National Forest, we were on a day hike. Posted by Hello

We were hoping to see a little more leaf change, but it was still too early. Just starting, next weekend will probably be real pretty. Posted by Hello

Ileya got a brand new dog sweater for the trip. She had a very regal attitude after Mary put it on her, she was stylin by the fire. Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 04, 2004


This is Mary and I about to go out for Halloween. I wore my devil horns and she found this cool mask. When she squeezes a bulb in her hand blood runs down the mask and back to the bulb. Don't we look evil? Posted by Hello

Robbie the Hula girl and I on Halloween. Check out that hairy belly! Woo-Hoo! Posted by Hello