The best thing I have yet to post on the blog! Mary and I are now officially engaged. I proposed to her while we sat by the fire Saturday night. I couldn't be happier, I think she is the most genuine person I have ever known and I am so lucky to be with her. I will replace the above photo with a nicer one when I get the chance to do so. It was dark and all I had was my little point and shoot camera. She probably isn't crazy about the smaller photo, I made her pose for that. But I love it!
Billy and I both got bottles of Scotch for Christmas, so we sampled a couple glasses last night. So what do a couple photographers do when drinking whisky? Something cool involving light anyway. Photo shot with my Canon pocket digital point and shoot with the on board flash at 1/4 power, and a Nikon SB800 in slave mode on 1/32 power behind the bottles.
A few months ago I decided to stop eating meat. Since I've lost about 10 lbs.(would be more if I'd give up cheese) and I feel much better. So for Christmas dinner I baked a Tofurky. I have to admit, this was a hundred times better than I thought it would be. This was really good! It is made of textured tofu with a core of rice and mushroom stuffing. I basted it with olive oil and soy sauce, I highly recommend this whether you eat meat or not, it's a delicious alternative and very healthy.
Lately Mary and have been doing roasted Chestnuts on her backyard firepit. There isn't much better than building a fire out in the country, drinking and roasting nuts. They taste great too! Can't wait to get a group around the fire before long.
A quick run around the bowl at the skatepark in Newnan, Georgia. This is such a fun place, imagine a swimming pool made of plywood that's only 6 feet deep. One day I'd like to have one of these.
Tuesday was my 40th birthday. Mary took me out to a Japanese place and was kind enough to pay some Japanese ladies to sing happy birthday to me and have this Polaroid taken. Her 40th is January 7th. She also gave me a guitar and signed me up for guitar lessons. This one sounds challenging, but I always wanted to learn to play something.
Last weekend Mary and I hiked around the new trails near Lake Martin. They have built several trails and one can now hike several miles through very scenic areas and hardwood forest, rocky cliffs and lakeside. We couldn't find the trailhead we wanted so we hiked the Chimney Rock Trail, which is a 2-mile loop making for a 3-mile hike from the parking lot. Our hike was more lakeshore than distance view, which was nice. Check out the website for the group building the trail, it's here.